E-Rotic (DE) (Lyane Leigh)
Max Don’t Have Sex With Your Ex, Help Me Doctor Dick, Fred Come to Bed, Sex on the Phone
E-Rotic is back with the original singer Lyane Leigh and a new partner Stephen Appleton.
E-Rotic bookings from Room 5 Agency HERE.
The dance project was estabished by the former E-Rotic singer Lyane Leigh and the producer David Brandes. E-Rotic was the successful band in the late 90ties and reached one hit after another. For example the top 10 hits “Max Don´t Have Sex With Your Ex”, “Fred Come To Bed”, “Sex On The Phone” and “Willy Use A Billy Boy”. Lyane and David were rewarded with several gold- and platinum- records, selling more than 7.000.000 records worldwide.
Ask the price of E-Rotic and availability for free info@room5.fi
Tel office +34 635 900 502 (Telegram, also WhatsApp). No cancellations in 17 years.